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The Secrets of the E/M field are
revealed at the Moon's surface

© Miles Mathis

Please note that this paper is a simplification by me of a paper or papers written and copyrighted by Miles Mathis on his site. I have replaced "I" and "my" with "MM" to show that he is talking. All links within the papers, not yet simplified, are linked directly to the Miles Mathis site and will appear in another tab. (It will be clear which of these are Miles Mathis originals because they will be still contain "I" and "my".) The original papers on his site are the ultimate and correct source. All contributions to his papers and ordering of his books should be made on his site.
(This paper incorporates Miles Mathis' moon paper.)

First posted September 29, 2005

Our physical theories have recently traveled too far from home. Theories on black holes and other exotics, theories of the first seconds in the universe, theories of strings vibrating below the Planck limit. These may be interesting, but not as interesting as objects in our nearer environs, things we know a bit more intimately. It is from these things that we are likely to learn the next secrets of the cosmos. As proof of this rather non-modern assertion, Miles Mathis will offer in this paper some basic data from the Moon and show that it contains an astonishing secret that has so far lain unheard.

Let us start with three basic measurements of the Moon: it’s vital stats, if you will. It’s mass is 1/81 that of the Earth. It’s radius is 1/3.67 that of the Earth. And it’s gravity at the surface is about 1/6 that of the Earth. All these numbers are shown relative to the Earth for a reason. Looking at this very limited data and the thought occurred that the gravity ratio and the radius ratio were rather close. Much closer than the mass ratio, at any rate. Might there be a direct link?

It seems that no one has ever considered this. If they had considered that gravity might vary directly with radius, then this data from the Moon would have been the first thing to put them off the idea. Data from the rest of the solar system, and indeed the universe, would be the second thing to put them off it. The ratios from the Moon are close, but they are far enough apart to deter all but the most eccentric from following up any idea that they might be related. If they were related, shouldn’t the gravity of the Moon be 1/3.67 that of the Earth? It is not and that is all there is to it. Once we get to the Sun, and then to exotics like black holes and neutron stars, the idea that gravity is simply a function of radius is ludicrous. Why even do any math on the Moon to pursue it one way or another?

Without a very strong lead, none but a fool would pursue the idea. After all, what could possibly cause the variance in the Moon? What could make up the difference between 1/3.67 and 1/6? Whatever it was would have to make up much greater differences for the Sun and exotics. Well, it turns out that there is a very strong lead, and it is called the E/M field. Quantum physicists think that at their level the E/M field totally swamps the gravitational field (See Gravity at the Quantum Level), but at the macro-level the E/M field has been pretty much ignored. As MM will show, the strength of the E/M field of the Earth at its surface is not sufficient to effect g until the third decimal point, so it is not surprising that terrestrial scientists would get used to ignoring it. If they ignore it concerning g, it is not surprising that they would also ignore it concerning the field of the Moon. They would assume that the Moon’s field is proportionally weaker than the Earth’s, since the Moon is known to be almost non-magnetic, as a whole.

This ignoring of the E/M field has been a grave error, however. An E/M field continues to exist even in the absence of the expression of its magnetic component, as we now know. Venus and Mars exclude the Solar Wind just as if they had powerful magnetospheres, even though they do not. In fact, MM will show with a few very simple postulates and some even simpler math that the E/M field of the Moon is quite sufficient to make up the difference between 1/3.67 and 1/6. MM will go even further and show that the E/M field of the Moon is exactly sufficient to make up that difference. This will prove that the total weight-causing fields of both the Earth and the Moon are sums of the gravitational field and the E/M field, and that the solo gravitational fields can be shown to vary exactly as the radius of the object.

MM's proof relies on only two postulates. The first is that the E/M field is an exclusionary field created by bombardment or an equivalent mechanism. This postulate is orthodox, since most physicists accept that the field must be mediated by particles, probably photons of some sort. Some quantum physicists now prefer the concept of the messenger photon, a photon that is capable of giving different messages to negative charges and positive charges; but a simpler mechanical explanation is that the field is a straight bombardment of photons, either as a sort of fluid or as a sort of hail of tiny bullets.

It is not necessary for me to finalize a mechanical description of the E/M field at the quantum level here. All that is necessary is that you accept that physical objects are affected by a large E/M field by feeling an exclusionary force. There is nothing revolutionary in this postulate, since we already accept that meteors are affected not only by the atmosphere of the Earth, but by its E/M field. The Solar Wind is also excluded by the E/M field, as MM has already stated. Plasma research has provided lots of new data in this direction, but we have always had data that showed the basic exclusionary nature of the field.

The second postulate concerns the variance of an E/M field when it is created by a spherical object. We know that in a non-spherical E/M field the field varies with the inverse square law. But this is the electrical field created by electrons, not the foundational field discussed here. The foundational field, as a field of photons emitted by protons and electrons and so on, must be spherical at that level, since it is emitted by spheres. Conversely, in large flat objects, this emission field would be expected to sum in a normal way, without the inverse square law, due mostly to Huygens Principle. Conversely again, in large spherical objects, the summation would once more create an inverse square law, due to the decreasing density of the field at greater distances from the center. The field lines emitted by a sphere will not be even nearly parallel. They will spread out as the radius increases. This means that the field must become less dense at greater radii: the distance between photons must increase. Since the surface area of a sphere is given by 4πr2, the density of the field will drop off with the inverse square law. But to this we must add another inverse square effect, that of relativity. In small nearby objects, we would not have to consider this, but the Moon is large enough and far enough away that relativity cannot be ignored. If we compare the Earth and the Moon, we cannot ignore relativity. To understand how relativity creates an inverse square effect, the following paper has been inserted here.

From the derivation of the Derivation of the Inverse Square Law, it is easier to see that a large spherical E/M field will vary as 1/r4, if measured from a distance.

Some will say that if the gravitational field is expressed by the graviton, the same consideration must apply to it. But this is false. Even if the graviton existed (it doesn't), the gravitational field was always spherical, and the inverse square law always applied to the spherical field. This has been known empirically for centuries, so that we do not need to figure a special case for the gravitational field. There is no rectilinear gravitational field, like the E/M field, where the inverse square law also applies. Therefore we do not have to add effects.

In the paper Newton's law is a Unified Field of Gravity and E/M MM has shown that the gravitational field does not actually change as the inverse square of the distance, it is E/M part of this compound equation not the gravitational part because the gravity part only varies as the radius.

Given these two postulates we can proceed directly to the math. Let us first make a prediction, using the postulates above. Since the gravitational fields of the Moon and the Earth are directly proportional to their radii, let us do the math to show what the Moon’s gravitational field would have to be if that were true.
gE / gM = 3.672
9.8 m/s2 / gM = 3.672
gM = 2.669 m/s2

But the current number for gM is 1.62 m/s2. That seems like a huge amount of acceleration to make up and it is hard to see how the numbers would work, but follow closely.

We know that the total field of the Earth at its surface creates an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 and we hypothesize that this is the gravitational field minus the E/M field [the gravitational field is an attractive field and the E/M field is a repulsive field]. And we know the same for the Moon.
gE - EE = 9.8 m/s2
gM - EM = 1.62 m/s2

Since the gravitational part of this acceleration should be proportional to the radii:
gE / gM = 3.672
gM = .2723 gE

And since the E/M field is proportional to 1/r4:.
EE /EM = 1/3.6724 = .0055
EM = 181.81 EE

But that last equation is assuming that the Earth and Moon have the same density. So I must now correct for density.
DE /DM = 5.52/3.344 = 1.6507 = 1/.6057
EM = 110.12 EE

So, we just substitute:
.2723 gE - 110.12 EE = 1.62 m/s2
gE - EE = 9.8 m/s2
.2723gE - .2723EE = 2.6685 m/s2       [subtract the two equations]
-109.85EE = -1.0485 m/s2
EE = .009545 m/s2
EM = 1.051 m/s2
gM - EM = 1.62 m/s2
gM = 2.671 m/s2

You can see that the math bore out MM's prediction exactly. Once we correct for the presence of the E/M field, the Earth and the Moon have gravitational fields that are exactly proportional to their radii.

We did not get an exact match in the third decimal place only because we used 9.8 m/s2 for gE in the first equation. We must now add .009545 to that, and if we do we get 2.671 m/s2 in the first equation as well.

[In a subsequent paper MM has confirmed this number .009545 m/s2 for the charge field of the earth, in an unrelated problem with unrelated math. In MM's paper dated June 2009 Why doesn't Atmospheric Pressure squash me? on atmospheric pressure, MM calculated an effective weight of the atmosphere, as a percentage of the gravity field. Using novel but very simple math and diagrams, MM found that the force down on any gas semi-contained in the curved field of the Earth would be .00958 m/s2. Since this matches the force up, the atmosphere is effectively weightless. That these two numbers match with such simple math and postulates is one of the outstanding outcomes of my unified field theory, and I highly recommend you take the link, if you haven't already read that paper.]

At first the series of equations above appears to be circular, but it isn't. If you postulate a different variation for the E/M field, the numbers don't work out. It only works with 1/R4. Notice that the number MM has arrived at for the E/M acceleration at the surface of the Earth is quite small. This explains why it has always been neglected. Physicists have correctly assumed that it was negligible in most cases, and they went on to assume the same for the Moon. Why, they thought, would the Moon have an E/M field that was more active at the surface of the Moon than the Earth’s E/M field is at its surface? The idea was counterintuitive, so no one has ever done any math to show it one way or another. MM has just shown, using postulates that are hardly revolutionary, that the Moon’s E/M field should be expected to offset its gravitational field quite strongly.

You will say that we have tested the fields on the Moon already and found them to be quite small. There are two problems here. One, our tests were designed to measure local fluctuations in the E/M field, and especially the magnetic component of that field. This is not the same thing as measuring the strength of the entire field at a distance. Two, the tests of the E/M field are compromised just like all our tests of the gravitational field have been. In neither case have we been successful in separating the effects of the two fields. Whether we are measuring a gravitational field or an E/M field, we must measure a force on a body. But the force on the body is a composite of the two. A differential. If we do not take this into account (and we don't) there is no way we can know what the strength of each field is alone. We would have to block one field or the other in our measurements, and we have never done this. According to my theory, you cannot block the field of gravity, since it just a real acceleration. You cannot block an acceleration. The E/M field should also be unblockable, for a different reason. You would try to block with some dense substance, like lead, but this lead will be emitting the field, too. In fact, lead would emit a denser field, giving you the opposite effect. Dropping ball bearings above a very thick sheet of lead would be likely to yield an acceleration measurably below 9.8 m/s2, and MM recommends experiments in this line.*

The math above also implies that all celestial bodies, including exotics like black holes and neutron stars, have gravitational fields that vary as their radii vary. It suggests in the strongest possible way that the huge additional forces hypothesized for exotics are either wrong or are mainly a function of a super-strong E/M field, solar winds, or other as yet unknown interactions, interactions that have nothing to do with gravity per se. This means we must reconsider all our theories for exotics, and indeed for non-exotics. Our theory has existed with a very large hole in it and now we must re-calculate many things.

The implications of this paper are beyond number. MM could not begin to address them here, even as a list. MM will begin to address them in other papers, but it will take physics decades to come to terms with the full import of this discovery. Those who have claimed that physics is nearly over will be glad to discover that they have something left to do.

December 2008: I have now discovered a well-known proof for my predictions here. My number for the foundational E/M field of the Earth, .009545 m/s2, is .1% of the total field, 9.8 m/s2. In the paper Bohr's Three Mistakes, MM remind the reader that 80 years of experiments have shown a .1% error in the magneton. This is direct proof of the existence of the charge field at the macro-level, as predicted in this paper. Not only has MM found the field, but also the right number for it.

* Some data already exists on this. In the 1940’s the Dutch geophysicist and ocean explorer F. A. Vening Meinesz showed that gravity is very slightly stronger over deep oceans. According to MM's theory outlined in his paper Newton's law is a Unified Field of Gravity and E/M, this is not due to blocking, but the reverse. Oceans are less dense than land masses, creating less summed emission of the E/M field. A weaker E/M field creates a stronger Unified or compound field, and thereby greater weight.

[March 25, 2008: Go to An Update on Weight on MM's site for more on this topic.]

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